Monday, July 22, 2013

T25 Week Three Day One - Total Body Circuit

I'm back after a weekend of rest! Not really! On Saturday I ran down my road (very busy road, I hate running on it but I'm not over the angry hornet incident from the HS track).  Because of the hills I only made it a mile in 30 minutes! I was very discouraged.  On Sunday I got up and showered early. I almost decided to call my mother in law and tell her to never mind coming to watch the kids. I was not going to go out and runt the 5k.  Then I checked my facebook and saw my husband (who never posts on facebook) made a post saying how proud of me he was and how amazing I am because I was running my first 5k. Well, that made me decide I had to do it for him, for myself, and because it was on facebook!  So I went thinking I'd follow my C25k ap since I only did a mile in 30 minutes yesterday.  I started out running (usually it's a warm up walk) since everyone else was running too. I felt good, so I kept running, and running, and running. And I didn't stop. I ran the whole 5k, 3.2 miles in 29 minutes. I'm so darn proud of myself (I've bragged to everyone).  I honestly think if I hadn't done Insanity, I never would have had the endurance, leg strength, or breathing to do that. Insanity is not just for people trying to lose weight. It can enrich all sorts of things in your life. Ok, enough about all that, you are reading this blog for T25 info.  So that being said, total body worked my legs good today. And let me tell you it was nice to use my quads and hip flexors and warm up my legs. I've been so sore all day so it felt really good. I can probably go to bed relaxed now. As usual, my arm strength lacked in this workout and I found myself going into child's pose in the middle of plank exercises.  I swear this week I'll do some weights and push ups to build some arm strength. But looking at the calendar, it looks like this workout becomes more frequent in these last three weeks of alpha so I think that'll give me a decent base for beta. I better do some other work just in case though! Aaaaaand I still hate pikes. That's all for today!
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