Tuesday, July 16, 2013

T25 Week Two Day 2 - Total Body Circui.t

Well, hello to round two of total body circuit. Pros, it's only 25 minutes, only one burnout phase, your legs aren't worked to a pulp, and you finally get to work your arms.  Cons, my arms still suck even after 9 weeks of insanity so I suck at all the arm workouts, I did two miles on the treadmill before this so I'm sweating like crazy in the 81 degrees in here, I feel like the guy in the garbage bag from Silver Linings Playbook, and the constant sweat dripping down my face is driving me insane. Okay so those last few had nothing really to do with the workout. With that said, it seems there are more true pros to this workout than cons. I guess in the week or so since I did this workout last, I forgot how much arm exercise is really in it. I think I may have to use some weights on my days off from T25 and C25k to work my arms. Otherwise I'm not sure if arms once a day is going to keep me from taking breaks in plank position during this workout.  I'm looking forward to the ab workout and not so much the speed workout tomorrow. It's not that I don't like the speed workout, I feel behind and that I can't keep up with Shaun T and the other trainers.  I feel like I'm not getting the full workout from speed because of it.  But I will try to keep up. I'm done my C25k until Thursday so maybe it will be easier with no running before.  I'll have lots of energy (said no mother ever).  Let's take a quick peek and see what my calories are for today. I haven't talked a lot about my diet or my fitbit yet.  I'm sure I'll have plenty of time for that in the next three weeks so I don't keep regurgitating the same info on the workouts over and over again.  I was 65 calories over breaking even before my run/workout.  My goal is a 250  calorie deficit a day.  I made my goal of 10,000 steps (10,497).  I didn't make my calorie or miles goals. Which doesn't surprise me because my fitbit doesn't register as much if I'm not actually taking steps. The loads of planks I just did will make up for that.  I still got to 4.55 miles and 1,970 calories (I have yet to beat the goal of 2,172).  So today I burned 1972 calories and ate 1475.  Weehoo I'm under.  Looks like I get to grab some grapes to boost my sugar a little before bed!

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